Fault-Tolerant and Attack-Resistant Architectures Based on Programmable Devices: Research of Interplay and Common Features

Provider: GAČR (GA16-05179S)
Call name: 2015
Years: 2016-2018
Project Team
My Position: Team Member
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- Panek, R., Lojda, J., Podivinsky, J., & Kotásek, Z. (2018). Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration in an FPGA-based Fault-Tolerant System: Simulation-based Evaluation. 2018 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS), 1–6.
- Cananzi, D. A., Van Hartingsveldt, E. B., & Romain, M. (2020). Logic buffer for hitless single event upset handling. Google Patents.
US Patent 10,565,048
- Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2019, April). Using Voters May Lead to Secret Leakage. 22nd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2019).
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- Jagadesh, T., Remya, V., Jaishankar, B., & Murugan, K. (2021). Analysis of Static Power Reduction Techniques in Shift Registers. In Advances in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 567–577). Springer.