Journal Articles

  1. Bělohoubek, J., Fišer, P., & Schmidt, J. (2017). Error masking method based on the short-duration offline test. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 52, 236–250. bibtex | DOI | manuscript
    Cited by:
    1. Panek, R., Lojda, J., Podivinsky, J., & Kotásek, Z. (2018). Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration in an FPGA-based Fault-Tolerant System: Simulation-based Evaluation. 2018 IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS), 1–6.
    2. Cananzi, D. A., Van Hartingsveldt, E. B., & Romain, M. (2020). Logic buffer for hitless single event upset handling. Google Patents.
      US Patent 10,565,048
  2. Možnosti uplatnění internetu věcí (IoT) v precizním zemědělství v ČR. (2019). Úroda, 341–350. bibtex
  3. Bělohoubek, J., Fišer, P., & Schmidt, J. (2021). Optically induced static power in combinational logic: Vulnerabilities and countermeasures. Microelectronics Reliability, 124, 114281. bibtex | DOI | manuscript
    Cited by:
    1. Kumar, A., Tripathi, S. L., & Subramaniam, U. (2021). Variability Analysis of SBOX With CMOS 45 nm Technology. Wireless Personal Communications.
    2. Tebina, N.-E. O., Zergainoh, N.-E., Hubert, G., & Maistri, P. (2023). Simulation Methodology for Assessing X-Ray Effects on Digital Circuits. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), 1–6. | DOI

Conferences and Workshops

  1. Belohoubek, J. (2015, May). Novel gate design methodology for short-duration test. POSTER 2015. bibtex | manuscript | poster
  2. Belohoubek, J. (2015, July). Smart re-use of hardware peripherals for better software UART. 3rd Prague Embedded Systems Workshop (PESW), 2015. bibtex | manuscript | slides
  3. Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2015). Novel C-Element Based Error Detection and Correction Method Combining Time and Area Redundancy. Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2015, 280–283. bibtex | DOI | manuscript | poster
    Cited by:
    1. Anderson, J.-P. (2016). Duplicate with Choose: Using Statistics for Fault Mitigation.
    2. Miškovskỳ, V., Kubátová, H., & Novotnỳ, M. (2021). Secure and dependable: Area-efficient masked and fault-tolerant architectures. 2021 24th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 333–338.
    3. Biereigel, S. (2022). Radiation-Tolerant All-Digital Clock Generators for High Energy Physics [PhD thesis]. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
  4. Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2016, August). Error Correction Method Based On The Short-Duration Offline Test. Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2016. bibtex | manuscript | slides
  5. Belohoubek, J. (2016, September). Využití rychlého offline testu v systému se schopností maskování jedné chyby. Počítačové Architektury a Diagnostika PAD 2016. bibtex | manuscript | slides
  6. Belohoubek, J. (2018, July). KETCube – the Prototyping and Educational Platform for IoT. bibtex | abstract | slides
  7. Belohoubek, J., Cengery, J., Freisleben, J., Kašpar, P., & Hamáček, A. (2018). KETCube – The Universal Prototyping IoT Platform. 2018 21st Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 148–154. bibtex | DOI | manuscript
    Cited by:
    1. Sandy, D. L., Gary, K. A., & Sohoni, S. (2020). Impact of a Virtualized IoT Environment on Online Students. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–5.
  8. Belohoubek, J. (2018, September). Zvyšování spolehlivosti a bezpečnosti číslicových obvodů na úrovni mikroarchitektury. Počítačové Architektury a Diagnostika PAD 2018. bibtex | manuscript | slides
  9. Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2019, April). Using Voters May Lead to Secret Leakage. 22nd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2019). bibtex | manuscript | poster
    Cited by:
    1. Jagadesh, T., Remya, V., Jaishankar, B., & Murugan, K. (2021). Analysis of Static Power Reduction Techniques in Shift Registers. In Advances in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 567–577). Springer.
  10. Belohoubek, J., & R.Vik. (2019, June). Low-Cost CMOS Power Consumption Data Dependence Demonstrator Concept. bibtex | slides
  11. Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2019). CMOS Illumination Discloses Processed Data. Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2019, 381–388. bibtex | DOI | manuscript
  12. Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2020, April). Standard Cell Tuning Enables Data-Independent Static Power Consumption. 23rd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2020). bibtex | manuscript | slides | video
    Cited by:
    1. Fadaeinia, B., Moos, T., & Moradi, A. (2020). BSPL: Balanced Static Power Logic. IACR Cryptol. EPrint Arch., 2020, 558.
    2. Fadaeinia, B., Moos, T., & Moradi, A. (2021). Balancing the Leakage Currents in Nanometer CMOS Logic—A Challenging Goal. Applied Sciences, 11(15), 7143.
  13. Standard Cell Design For Data-Independent Static Power Under Illumination. (2021, July). bibtex | slides
  14. Standard Cell Design For Data-Independent Static Power Under Illumination. (2021, July). 9th Prague Embedded Systems Workshop (PESW), 2021.
  15. Petryk, D., Dyka, Z., Krstic, M., Bělohoubek, J., Fišer, P., Steiner, F., Blecha, T., Langendörfer, P., & Kabin, I. (2023). On the Influence of the Laser Illumination on the Logic Cells Current Consumption : First measurement results. 2023 30th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 1–6. bibtex | DOI | manuscript
  16. Holec, M., Bělohoubek, J., Rous, P., Pokorný, T., Lórencz, R., & Steiner, F. (2025). X-Ray Radiation Effects on SRAM-Based TRNG and PUF. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - Volume 2: ICISSP, 375–384. bibtex | DOI | manuscript


  1. Belohoubek, Jan and Fiser, Petr and Schmidt, Jan. (2021). Zapojení standardní buňky CMOS se sníženou datovou závislostí statické spotřeby (Connection of a standard CMOS cell with reduced data dependence of static consumption). České vysoké učení technické v Praze. bibtex | patent file
    Patent Nr. CZ 308895 B6
  2. Syrovy, Tomas and Bodnar, Michal and Ozanak, Pavol and Pretl, Silvan and Blecha, Tomas and Cengery, Jiri and Belohoubek, Jan and Hamacek, Ales and Janda, Martin. (2023). Elektronický senzor pro selektivní detekci kapalin (Electronic sensor for selective detection of liquids). Univerzita Pardubice, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, and TESLA BLATNÁ, a.s. bibtex | patent file
    Patent Nr. CZ 309455 B6


  1. Belohoubek, J. (2016). Error Correction Method Based on the Efficient Offline Test. Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Information Technology. bibtex | manuscript
    Doctoral Study Report
  2. Návrh redukční desky pro LoRaWAN gateway. (2020). University of West Bohemia, RVTech s.r.o. bibtex
  3. Požární senzorika-Autonomní senzorové jednotky nositelné a umístitelné pomocí UAV. (2020). University of West Bohemia, Správa informačních technologií města Plzně. bibtex

Prototypes and Samples

  1. Měřicí systém pro detekci těžkých kovů ve vodných prostředích. (2017). Západočeská univerzita v Plzni. bibtex
  2. Textilní tlakový spínač. (2018). Západočeská univerzita v Plzni. bibtex
  3. Speciální oděvní doplněk pro monitorování otoků dolních končetin. (2020). Západočeská univerzita v Plzni; VÚB a.s.; Technická univerzita v Liberci. bibtex
  4. Senzor pro měření teploty a relativní vlhkosti mikroklimatu vybavený vyhodnocovacími a bezdrátovými komunikačními prvky. (2020). Západočeská univerzita v Plzni. bibtex

Other Publications

  1. Belohoubek, J. (2021). Testability and Physical Security: The Cell-Level Approach [PhD thesis]. Czech Technical University in Prague. bibtex | manuscript | slides
  1. Belohoubek, J., & Schmidt, J. (2014). Fully asynchronous QDI implementation of DES in FPGA. bibtex | slides
  2. Belohoubek, J. (2017). The Design-Time Side-Channel Information Leakage Estimation. bibtex | slides | handout
  3. Belohoubek, J. (2019). Modulated CMOS Static Power is Data Dependendent and Observable. bibtex | slides | handout
  4. Belohoubek, J. (2019). CMOS Illumination Enables Observation of Processed Data in Power Traces. In Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovations in Security Implementation and Characterization (PHISIC 2019). bibtex | poster