Research Center for Informatics


Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000765)

Call name: OP VVV, 2017-2022

Years: 2019-2023

Project Web:

Project Team

My Position: Junior Researcher, Researcher

Related publications

  1. Belohoubek, J. (2019). Modulated CMOS Static Power is Data Dependendent and Observable. bibtex | slides | handout
  2. Belohoubek, J., & R.Vik. (2019, June). Low-Cost CMOS Power Consumption Data Dependence Demonstrator Concept. bibtex | slides
  3. Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2019). CMOS Illumination Discloses Processed Data. Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 2019, 381–388. bibtex | DOI | manuscript
  4. Belohoubek, J. (2019). CMOS Illumination Enables Observation of Processed Data in Power Traces. In Workshop on Practical Hardware Innovations in Security Implementation and Characterization (PHISIC 2019). bibtex | poster
  5. Belohoubek, J., Fiser, P., & Schmidt, J. (2020, April). Standard Cell Tuning Enables Data-Independent Static Power Consumption. 23rd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2020). bibtex | manuscript | slides | video
    Cited by:
    1. Fadaeinia, B., Moos, T., & Moradi, A. (2020). BSPL: Balanced Static Power Logic. IACR Cryptol. EPrint Arch., 2020, 558.
    2. Fadaeinia, B., Moos, T., & Moradi, A. (2021). Balancing the Leakage Currents in Nanometer CMOS Logic—A Challenging Goal. Applied Sciences, 11(15), 7143.
  6. Bělohoubek, J., Fišer, P., & Schmidt, J. (2021). Optically induced static power in combinational logic: Vulnerabilities and countermeasures. Microelectronics Reliability, 124, 114281. bibtex | DOI | manuscript
    Cited by:
    1. Kumar, A., Tripathi, S. L., & Subramaniam, U. (2021). Variability Analysis of SBOX With CMOS 45 nm Technology. Wireless Personal Communications.
    2. Tebina, N.-E. O., Zergainoh, N.-E., Hubert, G., & Maistri, P. (2023). Simulation Methodology for Assessing X-Ray Effects on Digital Circuits. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), 1–6. | DOI
  7. Standard Cell Design For Data-Independent Static Power Under Illumination. (2021, July). bibtex | slides
  8. Standard Cell Design For Data-Independent Static Power Under Illumination. (2021, July). 9th Prague Embedded Systems Workshop (PESW), 2021.
  9. Holec, M., Bělohoubek, J., Rous, P., Pokorný, T., Lórencz, R., & Steiner, F. (2025). X-Ray Radiation Effects on SRAM-Based TRNG and PUF. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - Volume 2: ICISSP, 375–384. bibtex | DOI | manuscript